Did they really say that?

A response to the first ad, I think it's sending a bad message to viewers yet it is an amusing photo. The ad is implying that girl's like the smell of chemicals and disgusting odours. And that they would follow them because of it. The reason why it's so amusing to me is because it is just like today's Axe commercial. Spray once and they'll follow you kind of thing.

Ummm, about the second ad... tapeworms do not seem like a good idea. I think that is a little disturbing. Yeah maybe tapeworms may be able to help you get rid of the fat, however how do u get the tapeworm back out of you? That's pretty dangerous and reckless in my opinion. Although I agree that fat should be banished.

The third ad is terrible in my opinion because when people see doctors smoking "camels" then people will think that it is ok to smoke, since they are doctors and knew the ropes of health. This ad is displaying bad intentions in people and should not even be there. This ad is not appropriate at all because they are encouraging people to smoke cigarettes when they themselves know it is wrong.

The fourth ad seems quite odd. They seem to like eating fat. Or imply that it is good to eat fat. I guess on one hand it is appropriate since it is a bit better than butter or margarine, but on the other hand lard is not that healthy either... Still this ad is not as bad as the other ads.

These ads right now suggest that it was ok to destroy your body back then. They are also saying that society back then is corrupted and messed up. I think this because why would they encourage dangerous and stupid things back then? These ads also show that they don't care about their body or that it might deteriorate.

Ads today and back then are not that different, in my opinion. Ads form the past and now are still trying to encourage us people to try bad things and destroy our body. Except in today's ads they use scientific jargon to lure people in.

Considering gender roles in these ads, for the fatty ads they only seem to be targeting girls not guys. And for the cigarette ad they seem to be mainly targeting guys. They're being sexist in my opinion mentioning that girls are the only one who would do that stupid stuff, and that guys are the main smokers and that girls would not.

Overall ads then and ads now imply harmful toxins and encourage us people to do it. Also that ads would say anything to get people to draw in and buy the products.

Here are a few other vintage ads.

I found an old Gillette ad that shows a baby using a shaver. Made me laugh and also realize that Gillette has been around for a real long time.

Also found a few cigarette ads like the other one.


dreeebbie said...

Kristianne! Indeed you have copied Alicia! lol :)

In the olden times, women were not considered equal to men. Even today, in some countries, men are even allowed to rape women. I`m assuming this was probably the reason why the ads targeted women so much. It was because women were weawk, and they had to do whatever men told them to do. I feel like I just repeated myself.

But today, there are less ads like these, and more ads that help you fulfill a healthy lifestyle.


Denise said...

Wow, this topic still makes me laugh.
So much sexism and pure ignorance. But then again, what did they know back then, right? And even then, the sexism still hasn't ceased. It's disappointing really. However we're getting better and better at these ads - promoting the good things in life, like even smiling.

I loved the ads you added in, very interesting. The pork one was very disturbing indeed. Nice blog! =)

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