Is taxing pop going to help?

Regarding the ways that people and the media are trying to make us healthier, I myself think it is working. The movie Super Size Me affected me greatly. I watched the video in gr.9 for food and nutrition and was disgusted by Mac.Donalds and haven't eaten it since. I only ate it once during the year since it was my only means of food on the road to the U.S.A., otherwise i would not have eaten it. On some people it has affected us greatly like me and my friends, but on the other hand it has not affected people that much. I heard this girl state that she watched the movie three times already yet she still eats Mac.Donalds regularily. So I guess it depends on the person itself. My friends still eat it but not as much.

Some people might be affected using the scare campaign, but for fearless people they probably don't really care much about it. Also the video/picture of a scare campaign could disgust a person from not eating a certain type of food but because they're not exposed to the media or that certain video regularly so the video will disappear from the persons conscious mind and will start eating the food once more.

In most ways these photos make me want to become a healthier person. Also anyone who loves to eat will probably get discouraged by these photos and want to become healthier.

Yes i think that obesity in our nation is growing at a fast rate and needs to be solved. The rate of obesity these days according to the national statistics of Canada is going up around 25% since 2007.

The video in original Mary Ward blog about the Anti-soda campaign disgusted me. Yet I still drink pop every few days. The video did disgust me for a few days but because i do not have constant repetition of the video I'm not as affected. Also because i originally do not drink that much pop in the beginning anyway it probably doesn't affect me much.

If there comes a time when junk food like pop and chips get taxed then i will probably not eat junk food anymore. Money is hard to come by these days and i would rather eat healthy and save my money then go broke and eat a few days of bliss.

My ending statement is that if people are really willing they will pay as much as they have to just to get their junk food. Taxing pop in Canada may or may help. As always it always depends on the people.

Photoshop Manipulation

Photoshopping can be a form of entertainement or can turn into a dangerous thing. On one hand photshopping is fun for playing around, joining multple pictures around or even just playing a harmless prank. However photoshopping can be dangerous in many ways. Like how they can expose multiple things that the actual actress/actor does not want seen. Also the actress/actor might look bad and/or realistic in the photo and result in rumours being spread around.

About photoshops gone bad, I don't think much of it since they make me laugh. So I do not have any regard to bad photo shopping. They are not hurting anyone in my opinion except the celebrity who is affected by the outcome but otherwise I don't think it's that big of a deal. Although quite a few other photos do come out as weird and strange.

It bothers me a lot how companies are crossing the line with photo manipulation. The photos that will be shown below are a few examples. The media is showing how you should look a certain way and that you can't look the way you are now. I'm not affected with photos too much because i'm content with my body and my family and friends tell me that i look fine so i'm not too affected. But yes it still bothers me that people have to look flawless, skinny, shiny skinned etc.

I love it how people are saying no to Photoshop and make up in new media pictures. It tells you that they want to show people or the public the real them and not some fake version of themselves. I think this trend will last for quite a while since people these days are trying to express their feelings better in a more pure way.I'm also glad that runway models are starting to be normal people that do not wear make up or be asked to do photoshop since it gives a more innocent feel and will not taint the minds of kids and teens everywhere. This outcome can change people's attitude towards themselves into a more positive outlook.

In conclusion photoshop can be done in a fun way or a bad way depending on how you look at it. Also you should not always believe what you see in magazines or media in general.

Games Evolution

All games are fun, wether they're puzzle games, action, strategical, or violent games. However some games are more violent then others or more educational than others.

Some of our favourite characters grew up with us through out the years and it's interesting to see the development and way it keeps our hold after all these years.

Today's games graphics have changed substantially from before. As the picture above shows their are drastic changes in the animation itself.

Another thing about games is that they have become really complicated. Besides being more advanced, being high tech animation wise and playing wise gaming has evolved in many different ways. Instead of just a game boy and having only one system the gaming world has expanded with many different forms and attachments.
Old games and new games alike still serve the same general meaning. That games are to have fun with and to relax with. Unfortunately games today or modern games are starting to lose the purpose of relaxation or fun. Well then again, all games are fun, but some games are demeaning or hurtful to other cultures, people, and mostly sexes.

Girls in most games or if not all games are regarded as toys or nothing more then eye candy.
This particular picture isn't that bad regarding girls but other games like Dead or Alive isn't very appealing.

I think that games these days have turned beneficial towards us if we choose to. There are games like Brain Age Academy, Wii Fit and other educational/activity games that could help us. There is no replacement for the good outdoors and books but some games are just trying to make the things we distaste seem more pleasurable for us.

Some games on the other hand are not considered as games to some parents, since the game is too violent or inappropriate. Depending on how you look at games they can be helpful, fun or shouldn't be used.

Games these days have turned realistic. Modern games are taking forms from real life situations. Like games based on war, family, jobs, pets and many other life situations.

I don't really consider them games anymore (the real life situated ones) since to me, games are fantasy created animations where you are able to do things or see things not possible, like Mario games or final fantasy games. Also that they are a chance to do things you can't do in real life, they are things that come from your imagination and/or dreams. When a game is based on real life situations there is a chance that they will occur in your actual life if you want it to happen, so there's no point in playing these games.

My ending statement is that games can be considered as anything depending on what you play and how you think of it. Video Games should not be hated and they shouldn't take over your lives. Games are just something to past the time in when you have nothing to do.

Who did I just comment on?

This is not in order... Hee hee, my bad.

Sarah B.

Alicia A.

Patricia R. (did i spell that right?)

Debbie L.



*I'll post on more people's... later :)

Dove and Axe? Really?

Hey you! Yeah, you! Do you feel insecure about your looks? Feel like you could lose a few extra pounds? Or that you don't have those legs, or that flawless face? Why do you feel like this? Oh wait... it's because of the media! The media is showing girls (and guys) that they can't be the way they are now because of little flaws and imperfections. Having small flaws and imperfections make us who we are and what makes us who we are (sounds kinda cheesy...).
A lot of people know this photo right? The girl who gets re-modified? In my opinion she was pretty before. But when they had to re-vamp her and do all that make-up, cleaning, and photo shop, it was pretty horrific. Going through that and not moving or even eating for hours! Just sitting there while people destroy your skin. Pretty sad.

I'm really glad that Dove has been trying to create an impact in changing people's minds about the media. I think they had made an impact and hope that they will continue to do so. Not just small girls, or even teenagers but also older women too.

"Does beauty have an age limit?" is one of Dove's slogans. And one of my favorites. In my opinion nothing has a limit except our times here. Age, love, power, confidence, anything and everything has no limit. As long as you believe you can. Just like Dove is saying to all people.
Axe on the other hand... i kinda think that they're doing the same thing as Dove except for guys. Yeah they might be doing something bad-ish, but they are probably boosting guys self-esteem. Just like Dove is boosting girl's self-esteem.
Overall i think that Axe and Dove being of the same company is pretty understandable. Parents might not particularily care about it since they are doing a good thing while contradicting on the other hand. Anyway Axe and Dove both boost the self esteem of both girls and boys so i don't mind that they are of the same company.

Did they really say that?

A response to the first ad, I think it's sending a bad message to viewers yet it is an amusing photo. The ad is implying that girl's like the smell of chemicals and disgusting odours. And that they would follow them because of it. The reason why it's so amusing to me is because it is just like today's Axe commercial. Spray once and they'll follow you kind of thing.

Ummm, about the second ad... tapeworms do not seem like a good idea. I think that is a little disturbing. Yeah maybe tapeworms may be able to help you get rid of the fat, however how do u get the tapeworm back out of you? That's pretty dangerous and reckless in my opinion. Although I agree that fat should be banished.

The third ad is terrible in my opinion because when people see doctors smoking "camels" then people will think that it is ok to smoke, since they are doctors and knew the ropes of health. This ad is displaying bad intentions in people and should not even be there. This ad is not appropriate at all because they are encouraging people to smoke cigarettes when they themselves know it is wrong.

The fourth ad seems quite odd. They seem to like eating fat. Or imply that it is good to eat fat. I guess on one hand it is appropriate since it is a bit better than butter or margarine, but on the other hand lard is not that healthy either... Still this ad is not as bad as the other ads.

These ads right now suggest that it was ok to destroy your body back then. They are also saying that society back then is corrupted and messed up. I think this because why would they encourage dangerous and stupid things back then? These ads also show that they don't care about their body or that it might deteriorate.

Ads today and back then are not that different, in my opinion. Ads form the past and now are still trying to encourage us people to try bad things and destroy our body. Except in today's ads they use scientific jargon to lure people in.

Considering gender roles in these ads, for the fatty ads they only seem to be targeting girls not guys. And for the cigarette ad they seem to be mainly targeting guys. They're being sexist in my opinion mentioning that girls are the only one who would do that stupid stuff, and that guys are the main smokers and that girls would not.

Overall ads then and ads now imply harmful toxins and encourage us people to do it. Also that ads would say anything to get people to draw in and buy the products.

Here are a few other vintage ads.

I found an old Gillette ad that shows a baby using a shaver. Made me laugh and also realize that Gillette has been around for a real long time.

Also found a few cigarette ads like the other one.

I can see you too :)

Google Maps is creepy in my opinion...
It's good for finding your way across town or finding people's houses. To be able to see anything or anyone on the streets is kind of scary though. As long as stalkers know your house number or even street they can find you and actually see your house. Google Maps claims that they blur faces however some images aren't blurred as some people have claimed.
I went around different neighbourhoods and found my cousin and her friends walking on the sidewalk...

Fortunately their faces were blurred, then again it's still really creepy. I also went around my neighborhood and found a few of my neighbours outside. Their faces aren't shown since there backs are turned so i guess it's sufficient.

I don't know if blurring the faces and license plates fully protect the privacy concerns since people are still complaining that they are even there in the first place. I agree and disagree with their choice. I agree as I said on top because it can help you find people's houses easier and some photos on Google Maps is quite amusing. On the other hand though it's scary that the whole world is out there, visible on your computer. However people seem to accept the fact a little bit more that they might be on Google maps unsuspectingly. We will see later on, the progress of Google Maps.

Here are a few photos that seemed perplexing. To view top 5 google pictures go to:
Only 6 over the speed limit.

Here's a girl doing a handstand on the streets.